
Table of Contents

1 sicp   export

1.1 ch1

In the definition of good-enough? above, guess and x are bound variables but <, -, abs, and square are free. The meaning of good-enough? should be independent of the names we choose for guess and x so long as they are distinct and different from <, -, abs, and square. (If we renamed guess to abs we would have introduced a bug by capturing the variable abs. It would have changed from free to bound.) The meaning of good-enough? is not independent of the names of its free variables, however. It surely depends upon the fact (external to this definition) that the symbol abs names a procedure for computing the absolute value of a number. Good-enough? will compute a different function if we substitute cos for abs in its definition.

1.1.1 1.1.5 过程的代换模型

1.1.2 1.2 过程与它们所产生的计算

    (define (factorial n)
	(fact-iter 1 1 n))

    (define (fact-iter product counter max-count)
	(if (> counter max-count)
	    (fact-iter (* counter product)
		       (+ counter 1)

    (define (factorial n)
	(if (= n 1)
	    (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

    (defun fib(n)
      (cond ((= n 1) 1)
	    ((= n 0) 0)
	    (t (+ (fib (1- n)) (- n 2)))))
    (defun fib(n)
      (labels ((fib-iter (pa pb counter max-counter)
		 (cond ((> counter max-counter )
		       (t (fib-iter pb (+ pa pb) (1+ counter) max-counter)))))
	(fib-iter 0 1 1  n)))
    (defun fib (n)
      (labels ((fib-iter (b a count)
		 (if (= count 0) 
		     (fib-iter (+ b a) b (1- count)))))
	(fib-iter 1 0 n)))

    (defun foo (n)
      (cond ((= n 0) 0)
	    ((= n 1) 1)
	    ((= n 2) 2)
	    (t (+ (foo (1- n)) (* 2 (foo (- n 2))) (* 3 (foo (- n 3)))))))
    (defun foo (n)
      (labels ((iter (c b a i)
		 (if (= i 2) c
		     (iter (+ c (* 2 b) (* 3 a)) c b (1- i)))))
	(iter 2 1 0 n)))

    ;;;SECTION 1.2.3
    ;;EXERCISE 1.15  正统sin(x)的数值计算
    (define (cube x) (* x x x))

    (define (p x) (- (* 3 x) (* 4 (cube x))))

    (define (sine angle)
	(if (not (> (abs angle) 0.1))
	    (p (sine (/ angle 3.0)))))

    ;;;SECTION 1.2.4

    ;; Linear recursion
    (define (expt b n)
	(if (= n 0)
	    (* b (expt b (- n 1)))))

    ;; Linear iteration
    (define (expt b n)
	(expt-iter b n 1))

    (define (expt-iter b counter product)
	(if (= counter 0)
	    (expt-iter b
		       (- counter 1)
		       (* b product)))) 

    ;; Logarithmic recursion
    (define (fast-expt b n)
	(cond ((= n 0) 1)
	      ((even? n) (square (fast-expt b (/ n 2))))
	      (else (* b (fast-expt b (- n 1))))))

    (define (even? n)
	(= (remainder n 2) 0))

    (define (iter-fast-expt b n) 
	(define (iter N B A) 
	    (cond ((= 0 N) A) 
		  ((even? N) (iter (/ N 2) (square B) A)) 
		  (else (iter (- N 1) B (* B A))))) 
      (iter n b 1)) 

    (defun mul (a b)
      (labels ((mul-iter (a b c)
		 (cond ((zerop b)   c)
		       ((evenp b)  (mul-iter (dou a) (hal b) c))
		       (t   (mul-iter a  (1- b)  (+ c a)))))
	       (dou (n)
		 (* n 2))
	       (hal (n)
		 (/ n 2)))
	(mul-iter a b 0)))

  (defun smallest-divisor  (n)
	     (labels ((find-divisor (n test-divisor)
			(cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n)
			      ((zerop (mod n test-divisor)) test-divisor)
			      (t (find-divisor n (1+ test-divisor)))))
		      (square (i)
			(* i i)))
	       (find-divisor n 2)))

  (defun prime? (n)
    (if (= 1 n) nil
	(= (smallest-divisor n) n)))

  (define (smallest-div n) 
      (define (divides? a b) 
	  (= 0 (remainder b a))) 
    (define (find-div n test) 
	(cond ((> (sq test) n) n) ((divides? test n) test) 
	      (else (find-div n (+ test 1))))) 
    (find-div n 2)) 

  (define (prime? n) 
      (if (= n 1) false (= n (smallest-div n)))) 

  ;;;ex 1.22
  (let ((n (truncate 1e17)))
	       (loop for i upto 100 do
		 (if (prime? (+ n i))
		    (print (+ n i) )))) ;;=> search a prime number

  (timed-prime-test 99999998430674959 ) ;;=>  elapsed time is 8 second 

  (defun timed-prime-test( n)
	       (print n)
	     (start-prime-test n (get-universal-time)))

  (defun start-prime-test (n start-time)
	     (if (prime? n)
		 (report-prime (- (get-universal-time) start-time))))

  (defun report-prime ( elapsed-time)
	       (print " *** ")
	     (print  elapsed-time))

  ;;;1.2.6 fermat-prime?
  (defun expmod (base exp  m)
	     (labels ((square (i)
			(* i i)))
	       (cond ((zerop exp) 1)
		     ((evenp exp) 
		      (mod (square (expmod base (/ exp 2) m))
		     (t  (mod (* base (expmod base (1- exp) m))

  (defun fermat-test (n)
	     (labels ((try-it (a)
			(= (expmod a n n) a)))
	       (try-it (1+ (random (1- n))))))

  (defun fast-prime? (n times)
	     (cond ((zerop times ) 
		   ((fermat-test n)   
		    (fast-prime? n (1- times)))
		   (t nil)))

  (loop repeat 100
	      count (fast-prime? 6 1))   =>58
  ;;数字6被单次的费马测试判断为素数的概率为60%左右。但可以知道数字6被10次的费马测试判断为素数的概率接近于0。同时,对于越大的非素数,一般来说其通过单次费马测试越难,因为相对于大数n,其基本无法找到一个数a<n,使(mod a^n n)= a ,而这为素数的必备。

1.1.3 1.3 用高阶函数做抽象

  (define (sum term a next b) 
      (if (> a b) 
	  (+ a (sum term (next a) next b))))

  (define (itersum term a next b) 
      (define (iter a result) 
	  (if (> a b) 
	      (iter (next a) (+ result (term a))))) 
    (iter a 0)) 
(define (integral f a b dx)
  (define (add-dx x) (+ x dx))
  (* (sum f (+ a (/ dx 2)) add-dx b)

;: (integral cube 0 1 0.01)

  ;;1.31 定义连乘过程的递归计算过程或迭代计算过程
  (define (product term a next b)
      (if (> a b)
	  (* (term a) (product term (next a) next b))))

  (define (product term a next b)
      (define (iter x result )
	  (if (> x b)
	      (iter (next x) (* x result))))
    (iter 1  1))

  ;;1.32 用更一般的计算过程accumulate 来定义连续加法和连续乘法
  (define (accumulate combiner null-value term a next b)
      (if (> a b )
	  (combiner (term a) (accumulate combiner null-value term (next a) next b))))

  (define (sum-acc term a next b)
      (define (combiner x y)
	  (+ x y))
    (accumulate combiner 0 term a next b))

  (define (product-acc term a next b)
      (define (combiner x y)
	  (* x y))
    (accumulate combiner 1 term a next b))

  (define (accumulate combiner null-value term a next b) 
      (define (iter a res) 
	  (if (> a b) res 
	      (iter (next a) (combiner res (term a))))) 
    (iter a null-value)) 

  ;;1.33 含有谓词筛选的连续计算过程filter-accumulate
  (define (filtered-accumulate combiner null-value term a next b filter) 
    (if (> a b) null-value 
	(if (filter a) 
	    (combiner (term a) (filtered-accumulate combiner null-value term (next a) next b filter)) 
	    (filtered-accumulate combiner null-value term (next a) next b filter))))

  ;; ;;两个数的最大公约数的欧几里得算法
  ;;  (define (gcd m n) 
  ;;    (cond ((< m n) (gcd n m)) 
  ;;          ((= n 0) m) 
  ;;          (else (gcd n (remainder m n))))) 

  ;;  (define (relative-prime? m n) 
  ;;  (= (gcd m n) 1)) 

  ;;filter-accumulate 用于计算所有与n互素(且小于n)的数的乘积。
   (define (product-of-relative-primes n) 
     (define (filter x) 
       (relative-prime? x n)) 
   (filtered-accumulate * 1 identity 1 inc n filter)) 

;;(repeated f n) 得到单参数过程f重复执行N次的单参数过程。
(define (repeated f n)
	  (cond ((= n 1) (lambda (x) (f x)))
		(else (lambda (x) (f ((repeated f (- n 1)) x))))))
;;((repeated inc  3) 1) => 4 1.3.2 用lambda表达式构造过程

(define (plus4 x) (+ x 4))
(define plus4 (lambda (x) (+ x 4)))
由此,也易于理解,在scheme内部一个名字以何种方式指向一个函数。即,当用define 式定义了一个函数后(假设名为plus4),那么plus4名字将唯一地指向该函数对象,
并且其有两种使用情况,位于列表的首个位置或其他位置时,名字foo的意义也是相同的,即都指代一个过程(lambda (x) (+ 4))。
(plus4 1) => 5
((lambda (x) (+ x 4)) 1) => 5

;;;SECTION 1.3.3
;; Half-interval method

(define (search f neg-point pos-point)
  (let ((midpoint (average neg-point pos-point)))
    (if (close-enough? neg-point pos-point)
        (let ((test-value (f midpoint)))
          (cond ((positive? test-value)
                 (search f neg-point midpoint))
                ((negative? test-value)
                 (search f midpoint pos-point))
                (else midpoint))))))

(define (close-enough? x y)
  (< (abs (- x y)) 0.001))

(define (half-interval-method f a b)
  (let ((a-value (f a))
        (b-value (f b)))
    (cond ((and (negative? a-value) (positive? b-value))
           (search f a b))
          ((and (negative? b-value) (positive? a-value))
           (search f b a))
           (error "Values are not of opposite sign" a b)))))

;: (half-interval-method sin 2.0 4.0)

;: (half-interval-method (lambda (x) (- (* x x x) (* 2 x) 3))
;:                       1.0
;:                       2.0)

;; Fixed points

(define tolerance 0.00001)

(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance))
  (define (try guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))

1.1.4 迭代与递归


cat/spider image

Figure 1: 递归与迭代的区别

1.2 ch2

1.2.1 ????疑问


;; 得到集合s的所有排序
(define (permutations s)
  (if (null? s)                         ; empty set?
      (list nil)                        ; sequence containing empty set
      (flatmap (lambda (x)
                 (map (lambda (p) (cons x p))
                      (permutations (remove x s))))
;; (permutations '(1 2)) => ((1 2) (2 1))

(define (remove item sequence)
  (filter (lambda (x) (not (= x item)))

;;Nested mappings P84
;;嵌套映射可以用来枚举区间,有点像嵌套的 do 或者 loop ,不同的是append操作最终将枚举的结果全部放入一个单层表中
;: (accumulate append
;:             nil
;:             (map (lambda (i)
;:                    (map (lambda (j) (list i j))
;:                         (enumerate-interval 1 (- i 1))))
;:                  (enumerate-interval 1 n)))

(define (flatmap proc seq)
  (accumulate append nil (map proc seq)))
;;(flatmap (lambda (i)
;:                    (map (lambda (j) (list i j))
;:                         (enumerate-interval 1 (- i 1))))
;:                  (enumerate-interval 1 3))   => ((2 1) (3 1) (3 2))
(let (var)
   (loop for i upto 3  do
      (loop for j from 0 upto (1- i) do
         (push (list i j) var)))
  (reverse var))
;;=> ((2 1) (3 1) (3 2))

1.2.3 2.3 符号数据!!!!

(car ''a) => quote
;; (car ''something) is treated by the interpreter as:
;; (car (quote (quote something)))
;; The first occurrence of 'quote' quotes the next entity
;; (quote something),which is actually a list with two elements, so
;; caring this list yields 'quote. 2.3.4 Huffman编码树!!!! 尝试同时使用不同的数据结构

表 - 有序表 - 二叉平衡树
增长速度:n2 - n - log(n)

1.2.4 2.2 层次性数据和闭包性质

  (define (map proc items)
    (if (null? items)
	(cons (proc (car items))
	      (map proc (cdr items)))))

  (define (count-leaves x)
    (cond ((null? x) 0)
	  ((not (pair? x)) 1)
	  (else (+ (count-leaves (car x))
		   (count-leaves (cdr x))))))

  (define (deep-reverse items) 
	      (define (iter items result) 
		(cond  ((null? items)    result) 
		       ((pair? (car items))   
			(iter (cdr items) (cons (deep-reverse (car items)) result)))
			  (iter (cdr items) (cons (car items) result)))))
	      (iter items ()))


;; 注意遍历多层树的关键在于深层表的脱括号,本定义第三行为关键,即一旦发现items的car 为一个表,则将items变化:将原car 的子表脱括号后置于items表的前面。
 (define (fringe items) 
   (cond ((atom? items) items)
	 ((pair? (car items)) (fringe (cons (caar items) (cons (cdar items) (cdr items))))) 
	 ((null? (car items)) (fringe (cdr items))) 
	 (else (cons (car items) (fringe (cdr items)))))) 
(define (enumerate-tree tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) nil)
        ((not (pair? tree)) (list tree))
        (else (append (enumerate-tree (car tree))
                      (enumerate-tree (cdr tree))))))

 ;; Also works with empty sub-lists: 
 (fringe '(1 2 3 (4 5) 6 () (((7 (8 9) (()) 10) 11) 12))) 
 ;;Value: (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12) 

;;原来想不定义局部过程rec-weight-branch而只使用total-weight 一个过程在多层次数据中递归使用
;;由此可见,对总体过程total-weight来说,第一时间明确和提出主过程(+ left-branch-weight right-branch-weight )是重要的
(define (total-weight mobile)
            (define (rec-weight-branch  bran)
              (cond ((atom?  (cadr bran)) (cadr bran))
                    (else  (total-weight (cadr bran)))))
           (+ (rec-weight-branch (left-branch mobile))
              (rec-weight-branch (right-branch mobile))))

;;注意思考的逻辑流程,如果逻辑流程是对的,那么代码也变得水到渠成。比如定义check-balance mo : 定义基本过程check-base mo=> T 表示mo最外层满足平衡; 且 如果 左枝结构为一个表(活动体)left,则继续 check-balance left (注意此处不能用check-base,因为其没有向深层递归的能力) ; 右枝同左枝。
(define (weight x)
          (if (pair? x)    (total-weight x) x))

(define (check-balance mo)
          (define (check-base mo1)
            (if (pair? mo1)
               (= (* (branch-length (left-branch mo1)) (weight (branch-structure (left-branch mo1))))
                  (* (branch-length (right-branch mo1)) (weight (branch-structure (right-branch mo1)))))
       (and (check-base mo)
            (let ((left (branch-structure (left-branch mo)))
                  (right (branch-structure (right-branch mo))))
               (and  (if (pair?  left)
                        (check-balance left)    #t)
                     (if (pair?  right)
                        (check-balance right)    #t))))) 序列操作有助于模块化

;; Sequence operations

;: (map square (list 1 2 3 4 5))

(define (filter predicate sequence)
  (cond ((null? sequence) nil)
        ((predicate (car sequence))
         (cons (car sequence)
               (filter predicate (cdr sequence))))
        (else (filter predicate (cdr sequence)))))

;: (filter odd? (list 1 2 3 4 5))

(define (accumulate op initial sequence)
  (if (null? sequence)
      (op (car sequence)
          (accumulate op initial (cdr sequence)))))

;: (accumulate + 0 (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;: (accumulate * 1 (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;: (accumulate cons nil (list 1 2 3 4 5))

;; EXERCISE 2.36
;; 对多个子表组成的表seqs,沿多个子表的元素逐个执行累积
(define (accumulate-n op init seqs)
           (if (null? (car seqs))
               (cons (accumulate op init (map car seqs))
                     (accumulate-n op init (map cdr seqs)))))
;;(accumulate-n + 0 '((1 2) (3 4))) => (4 6)

(define (enumerate-interval low high)
  (if (> low high)
      (cons low (enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high))))

;: (enumerate-interval 2 7)

(define (enumerate-tree tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) ())
        ((not (pair? tree)) (list tree))
        (else (append (enumerate-tree (car tree))
                      (enumerate-tree (cdr tree))))))

;: (enumerate-tree '( 1 ( 2 3))) => (1 2 3)

(define (sum-odd-squares tree)
  (accumulate +
              (map square
                   (filter odd?
                           (enumerate-tree tree)))))

(define (horner-eval x coefficient-sequence)
  (accumulate (lambda (this-coeff higher-terms) 
                    (+ (* higher-terms x) this-coeff))
;;(horner-eval 3 '(1 2 3)) => 34 利用序列映射定义矩阵运算

(define (dot-product w v )
        (accumulate + 0 (map * w v)))
;;(dot-product '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) => 32

(define (matrix-*-vector m v)
         (map (lambda (w) (dot-product w v)) m))
;;(matrix-*-vector '((1 2)(3 4))  '(2 3)) => (8 18)

(define (transpose mat)
        (accumulate-n cons nil mat))
;;(transpose '((1 2)(3 4))) => ((1 3) (2 4))

(define (matrix-*-matrix m n)
           (let ((cols (transpose n)))
             (map (lambda (w) (matrix-*-vector cols w)) m))) 对表和树的映射


(define (copy-list lst)
           (cond ((null? lst) ())
              (else (cons (car lst) (copy-list (cdr lst))))))

(define (copy-tree tree)
      (define (atom? x) (not (pair? x)))
          (cond ((atom?  tree ) tree)
                (else (cons (copy-tree (car tree)) (copy-tree (cdr tree)) ))))

;;!!!!实现copy-tree的另一种方法是将树看成子树的序列,并对它使用map。对于基础情况,也就是当被处理的子树是树叶时,就直接返回它; 如果某棵子树不为树叶,则对其使用copy-tree 进入下一次深入处理(map 操作相当于进行了一次脱括号,而带有map的函数copy-tree被递归调用,可以不断地脱括号)。
(define (copy-tree tree)
        (map (lambda (sub-tree)
                (if (atom? sub-tree) sub-tree 
                    (copy-tree sub-tree)))

;;进一步抽象,对于树的映射 fun,总可以使用(tree-map fun tree)实现
(define (tree-map fun tree)
         (map (lambda (sub-tree)
                  (if (atom? sub-tree) (fun sub-tree)
                      (tree-map fun sub-tree)))
;;(tree-map square '(1 2 3 (4 5))) =>  (1 4 9 (16 25))


;; Mapping over lists P70
(define (scale-list items factor)
  (if (null? items)
      (cons (* (car items) factor)
            (scale-list (cdr items) factor))))

;; Mapping over trees
(define (scale-tree tree factor)
  (cond ((null? tree) nil)
        ((not (pair? tree)) (* tree factor))
        (else (cons (scale-tree (car tree) factor)
                    (scale-tree (cdr tree) factor))))) 2.2.4 ????一个图形语言


1.2.5 2.1 数据意味着什么


(define (cons x y)
  (lambda (m) (m x y)))

(define (car z)
  (z (lambda (p q) p)))

 (define (cons a b) 
   (lambda (m) (m a b))) 

;; ex 2.6 丘奇计数——正整数的一种过程性表示
;; 即将正数n表示为对任意过程f执行n次的过程。
;; 任意丘奇数的表示可由丘奇数zero和add-1操作直接得到。
;; 由此处丘奇数系统的建立,easily found that it's important and needed for scheme language
;; to have a unique name space (for variable and produce along).同时,scheme语言中一个代表了过程的名字,将直接出现在表的第一位,以使过程被执行。
;; 进一步地,可以认为,在scheme 中,所有的计算,事实上是在进行各种过程的计算,而scheme的极简语法将使这种过程计算的字面表达变得可能。

(define zero (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))

(define (add-1 n)
  (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f ((n f) x)))))

 (define zero 
     (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x))) 
 (define one 
     (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x)))) 
 (define two 
     (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f x))))) 

1.3 ch3


  ;; EXERCISE 3.1 
  ;; 定义一个累加器,一个累加器是一个过程,反复用数值参数调用它,会使它的各个参数累加到一个和数中。
  ;: (define A (make-accumulator 5))
  ;: (A 10)
  ;: (A 10)
  (define (make-accumulator balance)
	      (lambda (x)
		 (begin (set! balance (+ balance x))

  ;; EXERCISE 3.2
  ;;make-monitor 用于返回一个过程,其可给出指定函数被调用的次数。
  ;: (define s (make-monitored sqrt))
  ;: (s 100)
  ;: (s 'how-many-calls?)
  (define (make-monitored fun)
     (define (make-accumulator balance)
	      (lambda (x)
		 (set! balance (+ balance x))))
     (define a2 (make-accumulator 0))
     (lambda (n)
	  (cond ((eq? n 'how-many-calls?) (a2 0))
		(else (begin (a2 1)(fun n) )))))

  ;; EXERCISE 3.3
   (define (make-account balance password) 
     (define (withdraw amount) 
       (if (>= balance amount) (begin (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) 
	   "Insufficient funds")) 
     (define (deposit amount) 
       (set! balance (+ balance amount)) balance) 
     (define (dispatch p m) 
       (cond ((not (eq? p password)) (lambda (x) "Incorrect password")) 
	     ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw) 
	     ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit) 
	     (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT" m)))) 

  ;; EXERCISE 3.5
  (define (circle-test)
	  (let ((x (random-in-range 2.0 8.0))
		(y (random-in-range 4.0 10.0)))
	    (< (+ (square (- x 5))
		  (square (- y 7)))

  (define (monte-carlo trials experiment)
	   (define (iter trials-remaining trials-passed)
		(cond ((= trials-remaining 0) 
		       (/ trials-passed  trials))
		       (iter  (- trials-remaining 1) (+ 1 trials-passed)))
			 (iter  (- trials-remaining 1)  trials-passed))))
	    (iter trials 0))

  (define (estimate-pi trials)
	   (* (monte-carlo trials circle-test) (/ 36 9.0)))

#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
  (define (make-account balance password) 
      (define (withdraw amount) 
	  (if (>= balance amount) 
	      (begin (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) 
	      "Insufficient funds")) 
    (define (deposit amount) 
	(set! balance (+ balance amount)) 
    (define (dispatch pwd m) 
	(if (eq? m 'auth) 
	    (lambda () (eq? pwd password)) 
	    (if (eq? pwd password) 
		(cond ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw) 
		      ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit) 
		      (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT" m))) 
		(error "Incorrect password")))) 

  (define (make-joint account orig-pwd joint-pwd) 
    (define (withd raw amount) ((account orig-pwd 'withdraw) amount)) 
    (define (deposit amount) ((account orig-pwd 'deposit) amount)) 
    (define (dispatch pwd m) 
	(if (eq? m 'auth) 
	    (lambda () (eq? pwd joint-pwd)) 
	    (if (eq? pwd joint-pwd) 
		(cond ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw) 
		      ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit) 
		      (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT" m))) 
		(error "Incorrect password")))) 
    (if ((account orig-pwd 'auth)) 
	(error "Incorrect original password of target account"))) 

cat/spider image

Figure 3: 蒙特卡洛方法计算面积积分

1.3.2 3.1.1 局部状态变量(银行账户)

cat/spider image

Figure 4: 3.1.1局部变量(银行账户)

1.3.3 3.1.3 引进赋值的代价


Author: LispSu